How to Negotiate Your Salary in 10 Simple Steps.

Congrats, you got the job! But will you get the salary you want? Our friends at NextGeneration have come up with ten handy tips to negotiate your new salary properly. Do not start talking money early on in the interview process, save it for the very end when you know they want you (which puts you in a stronger position). Be prepared for the question about remuneration and know what to say when it comes up, or at least how to deflect it. Do not be afraid to reverse that question and ask about the salary range for the position. Ask them how much they would pay the best candidate – this will give you a ball park figure. Do talk about the whole package you want, not just the cash – think company car, pension, interest free loans, bonuses and so forth. Do check salary comparison sites such as Emolument to make sure you get a fair offer in the end.


The Hayward Group

The Hayward Group provides consulting services to support your employee recruitment and development projects. We partner closely with clients to source and select ideal job candidates, and provide action planning, coaching, and training to help employees reach their potential.

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Employee Engagement 101

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Employee engagement is the degree of emotional and mental connection an employee has towards their work, team, and organization

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HR Trends 2020: What Matters Most to HR Teams?

Infographic | February 3, 2020

As the workforce evolves, HR roles continue to be some of the most important in business. To understand how HR and small business owners are coping with the challenges of the changing nature of work, we surveyed them, as we do every year, at our HR Virtual Conference, the world’s largest virtual HR conference. From their most pressing concerns to what truly matters most, here are our findings in HR trends for 2020.

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Excel for HR Professionals

Infographic | August 11, 2021

Susan Strayer describes HR as “the glue that holds people and an organization together”. It is so common to be overwhelmed by the number of Excel related tasks you need to do on a daily basis e.g. employee attendance tracking, data analysis, and key performance indicator. So to help you in your work, I've put together a bunch of useful Excel functions, HR use cases, and a downloadable Excel spreadsheet of the examples mentioned.

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HR Trends 2020

Infographic | January 9, 2020

We recently published a blog sharing where we believe HR and people management will steer in 2020. This blog covered 24 different people and culture trends you can expect to see throughout this year and beyond. Before you dive in, we should let you know that this blog is a lengthy one and will take you about 15 minutes to read. We know it’s important to stay up to date with HR trends for 2020 and we get it – you’re busy! If you’re reading this thinking, “I don’t have 15 minutes to read a blog”, we’ve got you covered.

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Top 10 talent trends for 2020

Infographic | January 7, 2020

2020 is not just the year that will witness the rise of the gig economy. Human-machine collaboration is on the rise and your next co-worker could be a machine. While we have been stressing upon the importance of continuous learning to be fit for changing jobs, the very nature of jobs is going to change. Job redesign is a trend which is expected to witness a major surge as our world of work transforms further.

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Infographic | August 25, 2021

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that you can’t always be prepared for what’s on the horizon. But, with an uncertain future, flexibility and adaptability have to be cornerstones of your HR strategy for 2021 and you can plan for that.

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The Hayward Group

The Hayward Group provides consulting services to support your employee recruitment and development projects. We partner closely with clients to source and select ideal job candidates, and provide action planning, coaching, and training to help employees reach their potential.


Future of Work


Future of Work
