3 Keys to Aligning HR Concepts with Organization Strategy

As the workforce has grown more complex, so has the general world of Human Capital Management. More demands for services and partnerships are being placed on HR departments across industries. As HR professionals and business partners look to address these needs by designing new programs and launching organizational initiatives, it is important to remember the fundamental building blocks of HR concepts and their ripple effects throughout an organization at every level.
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Are you worried about the unintended consequences of AI? ChatGPT and other generative AI software will forever change the landscape of work. How should your organization engage with GenAI to benefit the business while maintaining security and privacy? Exactly where AI will take us may be uncertain, but you can navigate it intell


Retention 2023: Develop Leaders Who Win the Battle for Talent

20,000 employees have spoken! In this session you will learn the latest research on the battle for talent as we head into 2023. What percentage of team members are considering leaving? What are the top three reasons people quit? Who is winning the battle to retain the best talent? What three things are they doing differently? You think you have a retention problem, the newest data shows you actually have a leadership development problem. The authors of The Great Resignation share the newest research you’ll want to see heading into 2023.
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How to Improve Retention Now and in the Future

HR Daily Advisor

In a recent survey from PayScale, business leaders identified retention as one of their top concerns, with 24 percent of respondents saying it will be their biggest HR challenge in 2019. With the job market as competitive as it is, and cost of turnover as high as it is, it’s no wonder improving retention is at the top of the priority list for many organizations. Yet not all of these organizations know what retention techniques to use when it comes down to actually moving the needle.
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Achieve Your 2023 Business Goals with Talent Data

Have you ever known your business partners were making a bad talent decision, but been unable to prove it? Have you been wanting to get the proverbial seat at the table, but had trouble being heard? Bringing customized labor market insights and data to conversations adds credibility to your ideas and substance to your plans. Join this complimentary HR webinar where a Gartner expert provides you what insights cutting-edge talent leaders are bringing to discussions, and how much further you can advance your initiatives when they are built upon empirical data and guided by advisory support. Bring your questions and see what your peers are asking to help advance your 2023 business goals.
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Behind the Screen: How to Compliantly Hire Someone

Hiring new employees can be an exciting time and a great indicator that your business is succeeding. Background checks are a critical part of this process to help you make informed decisions about people you want to hire. With ever-changing laws, this “soup to nuts” program provides a valuable refresher on the hiring and background check processes.
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Are you worried about the unintended consequences of AI? ChatGPT and other generative AI software will forever change the landscape of work. How should your organization engage with GenAI to benefit the business while maintaining security and privacy? Exactly where AI will take us may be uncertain, but you can navigate it intell
