3 Ways HR Can Adapt to Shifting Employee Needs: Empower a Culture of Well-Being

3 Ways HR Can Adapt to Shifting Employee Needs
Employee wellness has taken center stage and there is more focus on workplace well-being initiatives. Workers have new expectations about how they think employers should support their health, and in a tight labor market it’s vital for employers to adapt to those needs.
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You are not the leader of an administrative function focused on overseeing workforce activities, L&D, and recruiting. You are far more than that. You are a strategic advisor to the business, and your role, whether the C-suite fully understands it or not, is to help your organization transform to reach and even exceed audacious b


Drive Employee Retention with Tax-Deductible Benefits

Employees are leaving their jobs in record numbers. On the question of, “Why?”, research from Work Institute, an employee retention services provider, 21 percent of employees leave due to a lack of work life balance and health issues, and an additional 21 percent walk because they believe their job includes a lack of career development. To remain competitive, employers must offer health, wellness, and development options that meet employee’s immediate needs. In this program, Lively’s Kelli Hemstock will discuss how to offer benefits that meet employee needs, impact hiring and retention and offer important tax benefits and savings that make a significant impact on their budget’s bottom line.
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Remote Leadership and Emotional Intelligence: A New Mindset

A couple of years ago, remote work was seen as a temporary fix until everyone could get back to the office. By 2022, it's clear: Remote work is part of the new business reality. Leading a remote team requires a new approach. How do you lead effectively and confidently? How can you grow from a good leader to a great one? It starts with adopting an entirely different mindset, and a new paradigm for dealing with people. Emotional intelligence (EQ) has always been a critical characteristic for leaders. But being part of a hybrid team requires a new approach to EQ. In this program, consultant and AwesomeLeader.com founder Leila Bulling Towne looks at EQ in the context of remote leadership. You’ll learn: The essentials of EQ and how to use it coach yourself and your teams Best practices for remote leadership, as well as common pitfalls to be aware of Competencies for remote collaboration How to communicate in a way that builds trust and connection.
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How to Hire for New Roles as You Grow

Spark Hire, Inc

The rapidly evolving business landscape often creates a need for job functions that fall outside of the conventional organization structure. As your company scales, you may identify a need for an entirely new position. While the need is clear, the candidate qualifications, seniority, and day-to-day responsibilities may be uncharted territory for your recruiting team. How can you ensure you’re hiring the best candidate for this entirely new position?
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How to build an agile workforce for scale and demand

Employers today are dealing with more than just a tight talent market, increased turnover and rising wages; the world of work has permanently changed —and so have candidate expectations. The demand for total talent has become more dynamic, and employers are leveraging seasonal and project-based hiring to reduce the time to mobilise internal and external workforces. Reviewing candidate experience through high-optimised talent acquisition technology, and the role of digital personas in the ongoing engagement of your workforce.
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You are not the leader of an administrative function focused on overseeing workforce activities, L&D, and recruiting. You are far more than that. You are a strategic advisor to the business, and your role, whether the C-suite fully understands it or not, is to help your organization transform to reach and even exceed audacious b
