Boost Your Talent Strategy in Any Hiring Market

Boost Your Talent Strategy in Any Hiring Market
Hiring is still a challenge going into 2023. Even if your company isn’t actively recruiting, you’ll need an engaged talent network when hiring inevitably picks up again.

In this webcast, you’ll hear from TA experts in the airline industry as they share strategies to help your team stay ahead in the race for talent and stand out from the competition.
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Are you worried about the unintended consequences of AI? ChatGPT and other generative AI software will forever change the landscape of work. How should your organization engage with GenAI to benefit the business while maintaining security and privacy? Exactly where AI will take us may be uncertain, but you can navigate it intell


Guidelines for Adequate Documentation of Discipline and Termination


This material will show you how to build the documentation infrastructure you need to govern the employment relationship from hiring to effective discipline and discharge decisions. Most importantly, we will discuss how to effectively document proactively and defensively in a way that will help, rather than hurt, your company in the event an employee brings legal action.
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One-HR employment law review


In Personnel Today’s new One-HR webinar format, Kevin Charles, consulting barrister at Crossland Employment Solicitors, scrutinises the latest developments in employment law keeping HR professionals abreast of the most important legal cases and risks. Hosted by Personnel Today editor Rob Moss, this webinar will look primarily at case law, around a diverse range of employment topics. Uber, Pimlico Plumbers, Deliveroo there’s been numerous challenges in the courts around employment status and the gig economy, but where do employers currently stand when engaging with contractors and at what point should people be treated as workers.
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Optimizing the Employee Experience for Your Organization’s Success


While many organizations recognize the fundamental value of positive employee experience, it is sometimes considered a “soft” business concern and, therefore, not a top priority. After all, why worry about keeping a smile on all your employees’ faces when the end of the year is approaching and you need to hit the organization’s business goals?What most organizations don’t understand is that employee experience is much more than providing rewards or perks. Those are transactional in nature and always lead to fleeting happiness.
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Data, AI & Continuous Reskilling: The Future of Workforce Development


It takes an average of 42 days to fill an open position. In many cases, it takes A LOT longer. But, once they’re hired, how long does it take for a new employee to become productive? Weeks? Months? Years? In a world rife with disruption, organizations can rarely afford to add risk to their business by waiting that long. To stay agile, your workforce development strategy must evolve so you can build the talent of tomorrow by reskilling the employees of today.
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Are you worried about the unintended consequences of AI? ChatGPT and other generative AI software will forever change the landscape of work. How should your organization engage with GenAI to benefit the business while maintaining security and privacy? Exactly where AI will take us may be uncertain, but you can navigate it intell
