How to Avoid Common Mistakes While Hiring Global Contractors

How to Avoid Common Mistakes While Hiring Global Contractors
Building a global team is one of the most exciting phases in the growth of a company. However, while hiring internationally is the start of many success stories, there are challenges to navigate — one of which is worker classification.

Is your company deciding between hiring international contractors or employees? It’s vital to know the difference between these two employment types to ensure you classify your international hires correctly, avoid penalties, and protect your company’s intellectual property.

Join Globalization Partners’ Matt Kroos as he takes you through the best practices for hiring global contractors.
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Are you worried about the unintended consequences of AI? ChatGPT and other generative AI software will forever change the landscape of work. How should your organization engage with GenAI to benefit the business while maintaining security and privacy? Exactly where AI will take us may be uncertain, but you can navigate it intell


The Real Cost of Payroll Errors and How to Avoid Them

Attend this session to learn about the real cost of payroll errors and how you can avoid them. Employees don’t just work to get paid — they work to get paid correctly. Despite this, Ernst & Young (EY) reports 1 in 5 payrolls contain errors. Each error costs a business $291 on average.
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Promoting Fair Pay: What Can HR Do to Close the Pay Gap?

Almost 60 years after the federal Equal Pay Act was first enacted, the gender-pay gap remains. Even accounting for differences in occupations and industries, and a host of other possible explanations, researchers have found that women still earn less than men. That gap is even wider for women of color with gender, race and ethnicity interacting to negatively affect earnings. In this session, Toni S. Locklear of APTMetrics will share the current state of the pay gap in 2022 and discuss the evolving legal landscape surrounding pay equity, including key features of the newer fair pay laws being implemented across the country. She will also review best practices organizations can adopt to support fair pay and identify practices that inadvertently maintain inequities. Finally, she will discuss a rigorous data-driven approach to identifying and addressing pay differences unrelated to education, training, experience, or other job-related factors.
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The Evolution of Health: How Digital Can Improve Access to Health Care

Over the past two years, patients’ expectations for how they engage with the health care system have undergone major changes, just as their own health priorities have shifted. In this program, Caitlin Clifford, Vice President, Digital Health at CVS Health, discusses key trends in care delivery that can better address employees’ health care needs by using digital tools that increase accessibility, convenience and transparency.
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Impairment or Under the Influence: Legal Drug Use in the Workplace

HR Daily Advisor

As more states legalize traditionally illegal substances, some people may question why employees’ use of a “legal” substance should be monitored. Being “under the influence” may seem the same as being “impaired,” but understanding the difference between these two key terms can greatly impact the way business is conducted, including how policies are written. This live webinar will look at the differences between “under the influence” and “impairment” and recommend how to address them in a drug and alcohol testing policy.
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Are you worried about the unintended consequences of AI? ChatGPT and other generative AI software will forever change the landscape of work. How should your organization engage with GenAI to benefit the business while maintaining security and privacy? Exactly where AI will take us may be uncertain, but you can navigate it intell
