How to Help Managers Empower and Support Their Employees' Career Development

How to Help Managers Empower and Support Their Employees'
Career development is one of the most impactful drivers of engagement and continues to be an area of utmost importance to both HR professionals and business leaders.

In this program, Chelsey Morrison of Culture Amp will explore how your organization can better support your employees' career paths—and go beyond the limits of typical training and development.

This program will offer a dive deep into actionable steps you can take to empower your managers and remove barriers for your employees in their career journey.
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Are you worried about the unintended consequences of AI? ChatGPT and other generative AI software will forever change the landscape of work. How should your organization engage with GenAI to benefit the business while maintaining security and privacy? Exactly where AI will take us may be uncertain, but you can navigate it intell


Innovating Compensation: How to Review and Realign Strategies Based on Workforce Changes

The disruption of the past few years accelerated long-anticipated shifts to workforce models and workplace designs. However, changes to compensation strategies have not kept pace. Are your pay and benefits policies overdue for review? What steps can you take to innovate, improve retention and create a culture where all truly feel valued?
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7 HR Metrics Every Organization Should Measure Now and in the Future

Modern HR leaders know the importance of their employee data. HR analytics has evolved as fast as anything in the human resources industry over the past decade, and this evolution has been powerful and confusing for HR Pros. In this program, HR expert and HR metrics enthusiast Tim Sackett explores the world of HR data analytics and the measures HR should be using to understand the health of their HR function and how to drive better organizational performance.
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Experience Counts: Tips and Technology to Optimize the Work Opportunity Tax Credit


There’s a battle out there the battle to attract talent. The experiences you deliver throughout the talent application process will have a direct impact on your ability to win this battle.In this program, you will gain insight into the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) program, federal legislative updates, and compliance strategies and how an integrated and applicant-friendly WOTC screening experience can optimize your capture of eligible tax credit opportunities.
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Comparative Executive Compensation Pay Practices


Is your company on top of the changing legal landscape and new trends associated with executive compensation? Executive compensation is subject to an increasingly complex set of laws and regulations and an ever-increasing degree of scrutiny. An appropriate and effective executive compensation program is one that retains top talent and incentivizes performance. This content helps employers and executives move beyond the basics of executive compensation and understand the trends and best practices emerging in response to the change in the legal landscape.
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Are you worried about the unintended consequences of AI? ChatGPT and other generative AI software will forever change the landscape of work. How should your organization engage with GenAI to benefit the business while maintaining security and privacy? Exactly where AI will take us may be uncertain, but you can navigate it intell
