The Five Connections Every Employee Should Have

The Five Connections Every Employee Should Have
Most companies invest in employee happiness in one way or another: team events, swag, benefits and etc. Many of those companies even invest in employee engagement metrics to gain an understanding of where they could perform better in those efforts. Is anyone actually connecting that engagement data to those efforts? Can they prove that they’re effective if they do?
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You are not the leader of an administrative function focused on overseeing workforce activities, L&D, and recruiting. You are far more than that. You are a strategic advisor to the business, and your role, whether the C-suite fully understands it or not, is to help your organization transform to reach and even exceed audacious b


The Future of Employee Engagement Starts with Augmented Reality

Human Capital Institute

As the technology landscape changes, global workplaces are finding more immersive and enriching ways to share and scale knowledge, augmented reality (AR) technology provides employers with richer and more cost-effective options for on-the-job training, experiential coaching and collaboration. When it comes to AR, content is displayed on top of reality as soon as you put on your headset or hover over it with a mobile device.
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Evidence-Backed Ways to Strengthen Your Culture Based on Your Unique Company Type

What impact do hiring and turnover have on the employee experience, and how do they affect company culture? In this session, you will hear findings from a Culture Amp analysis of over 1.8 million employees from nearly 2,500 companies.
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Designing The Ideal Employee Experience


Based on extensive research and interviews with successful HR teams, we’ve mapped the ideal employee experience path an entire journey that starts before a new hire’s first day. Register for this session to learn how you can create an experience that not only drives engagement but ultimately encourages employees to become evangelists for your company.
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5 New Ways to Hire for Hard-to-Fill Roles


The Recruit Webinar series gets you up to speed on current trends in recruiting, just in time for our biggest event of the year.Filling positions that demand skill sets in short supply is vexing. Especially because many of these roles didn’t exist a decade ago, it’s critical for recruiters to take a fresh approach.
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You are not the leader of an administrative function focused on overseeing workforce activities, L&D, and recruiting. You are far more than that. You are a strategic advisor to the business, and your role, whether the C-suite fully understands it or not, is to help your organization transform to reach and even exceed audacious b
