The Real Cost of Payroll Errors and How to Avoid Them

The Real Cost of Payroll Errors and How to Avoid Them
Attend this session to learn about the real cost of payroll errors and how you can avoid them.

Employees don’t just work to get paid — they work to get paid correctly. Despite this, Ernst & Young (EY) reports 1 in 5 payrolls contain errors. Each error costs a business $291 on average.
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Are you worried about the unintended consequences of AI? ChatGPT and other generative AI software will forever change the landscape of work. How should your organization engage with GenAI to benefit the business while maintaining security and privacy? Exactly where AI will take us may be uncertain, but you can navigate it intell


How to Elevate Employee Engagement as a Small HR Department

In the wake of record resignation rates, declining employee engagement and burnout on the rise, it’s not surprising that three out of four HR professionals report that their job is harder than it’s ever been. And for small HR departments especially, all the demands of engaging and retaining employees can feel downright insurmountable. The good news is that there are small steps that even small HR departments can take to make a bigger impact on employee engagement and satisfaction.
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How to Create a Progressive Wellness Culture

HR Daily Advisor

The healthcare crisis – and our failing health – deeply affects our teams and organizations. Companies are losing over $300 billion a year on employee un-wellness. Insurance costs, absenteeism, presenteeism, worksite accidents, and disability are eroding productivity, profits, and morale. We must stop thinking of employee health as a concern for someone else, and own that it affects the very fabric of our companies. Companies like GE, Microsoft, Twitter, and Google have already figured out that healthy employees make better employees – and better profits. Is your company ready for better success?
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Built in the USA: Attracting and Retaining Workers in Manufacturing

Amid a tight labor market and volatile world pressures, manufacturers are struggling to attract and retain skilled workers. In this program, thought leaders from the manufacturing and benefits industries will discuss key insights from a recent study by The Manufacturing Institute. They will explore the strategies some manufacturers are using to successfully attract employees and build long-term loyalty.
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Retention, recruitment and reskilling in The New Human Age

The majority of workers (81%) say the pandemic has affected how they think about work (ManpowerGroup The New Human Age, 2023). Workers are increasingly motivated by developing skills and experiences rather than seeking hierarchy and job titles. This often involves making lateral moves to find fulfilment and grow into more agile employees.
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Are you worried about the unintended consequences of AI? ChatGPT and other generative AI software will forever change the landscape of work. How should your organization engage with GenAI to benefit the business while maintaining security and privacy? Exactly where AI will take us may be uncertain, but you can navigate it intell
