Three mistakes employers make when firing a worker

Firing an employee is never an enjoyable conversation, even if the termination is the best outcome for both parties. With many HR leaders focusing on how to retain the talent they have, sometimes they can overlook best practice when it comes to letting employees go. So, what are the biggest mistakes made by leaders during the termination process? We spoke to Jacqueline English, HR practitioner, and consultant, who gave us her top three ways you’re slipping up. The first mistake happens before the termination conversation even begins, English explained – namely, tackling the situation alone.


You are not the leader of an administrative function focused on overseeing workforce activities, L&D, and recruiting. You are far more than that. You are a strategic advisor to the business, and your role, whether the C-suite fully understands it or not, is to help your organization transform to reach and even exceed audacious b

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You are not the leader of an administrative function focused on overseeing workforce activities, L&D, and recruiting. You are far more than that. You are a strategic advisor to the business, and your role, whether the C-suite fully understands it or not, is to help your organization transform to reach and even exceed audacious b
