UK workers low opinion of colleagues reduces chances of good teamwork

British workers believe that just 68 percent of their colleagues are good at their job, and nearly a quarter of staff (23 percent) would describe their colleagues as ‘lazy’ new research suggests. The more senior position people attain, the lower opinion they have of their colleagues: according to new research by Dropbox on team behaviour within UK businesses, which marks the launch of a new study, conducted in conjunction with philosophers at The School of Life.


You are not the leader of an administrative function focused on overseeing workforce activities, L&D, and recruiting. You are far more than that. You are a strategic advisor to the business, and your role, whether the C-suite fully understands it or not, is to help your organization transform to reach and even exceed audacious b

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You are not the leader of an administrative function focused on overseeing workforce activities, L&D, and recruiting. You are far more than that. You are a strategic advisor to the business, and your role, whether the C-suite fully understands it or not, is to help your organization transform to reach and even exceed audacious b
