Workers want a clear 'employee value proposition,' but they don't know what that means

Alight Solutions’ Workforce Mindset study found that 83% of employees think that having a clear employee value proposition is important, but only 34% know how to describe it to their current employer. (Willis Towers Watson describes it as the employment deal that defines what an employer expects from its employees and what it provides in return.) Alight Solutions polled 2,500 employees about their work experiences.


You are not the leader of an administrative function focused on overseeing workforce activities, L&D, and recruiting. You are far more than that. You are a strategic advisor to the business, and your role, whether the C-suite fully understands it or not, is to help your organization transform to reach and even exceed audacious b

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You are not the leader of an administrative function focused on overseeing workforce activities, L&D, and recruiting. You are far more than that. You are a strategic advisor to the business, and your role, whether the C-suite fully understands it or not, is to help your organization transform to reach and even exceed audacious b
